

Sealed electronic enclosures, such as housings for outdoor residential battery modules, are susceptible to damage from moisture ingress. In this series of webinars presented by Gore's experienced protective venting team, learn strategies to protect batteries and sensitive electronic components from damage.

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Für optimale Leistung und Haltbarkeit von elektronischen Ger?ten im Au?enbereich. Damit elektronische Ger?te im Au?enbereich zuverl?ssig funktionieren, sind intakte Geh?usedichtungen von entscheidender Bedeutung. Whitepaper als PDF herunterladen.

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Optimizing the performance and durability of outdoor electronics. For electronic equipment to function reliably outdoors, intact sealing of the enclosure is vitally important. Download White Paper as PDF.

Various Protective Vents products


GORE? Protective Vents - Adhesive Series - Quality Assurance Testing (287 KB)  Gore Vents Datasheet


GORE? Protective Vents - Adhesive Series - Quality Assurance Testing (287 KB)  Gore Vents Datasheet


Dispositivi di protezione e sfiato GORE? - Serie di sfiati adesivi - Test di controllo della qualità

L'esecuzione di numerosi processi di test assicura la qualità e l'affidabilità degli sfiati adesivi: test della membrana per misurare il flusso d'aria e la resistenza dell'acqua, test sulle dimensioni e della capacità adesiva dei prodotti finiti oltre a ispezione visiva di ogni parte.

évents GORE? Protective Vents - Séries d’évents adhésifs - Tests d’assurance qualité

Plusieurs processus de tests garantissent la qualité et la fiabilité des évents adhésifs : les tests sur la membrane pour le débit d’air et la pression d’entrée de l’eau, les tests de lot pour les dimensions et l’adhérence du produit fini, et une inspection manuelle et visuelle de chaque pièce.

Elementos de ventilación GORE?Protective Vents - Gama de productos de ventilación adhesivos - Pruebas de garantía de calidad

Los múltiples procesos de pruebas garantizan la calidad y la fiabilidad de los elementos de ventilación adhesivos: pruebas de membranas para comprobar la presión de entrada del agua y el caudal de aire, pruebas en lote de las dimensiones y la correcta adhesión en el producto acabado, y una inspección manual y visual de cada producto.

GORE? Protective Vents - Adhesive Series - Quality Assurance Testing (287 KB)  Gore Vents Datasheet

Multiple testing processes ensure the quality and reliability of Adhesive vents: membrane tests for air flow and water entry pressure, lot testing of finished product dimensions and adhesive bond, and a manual, visual inspection of every part.